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What's Your Story?

One of the questions we very rarely get asked, in our shop or online, is what our favourite piece of jewellery is. In fact, we’re not sure it’s a question that we ask of our customers either. However the answers to such a question are full of detail and story. If I were, personally, to be asked what my favourite Banwells’ piece would be, it would take me a long, waffled process to, in fact, not come up with a definitive answer. Why so? Because jewellery is such a personal thing. There is a trend in media articles about ‘what jewellery says about you’. Well, whatever your jewellery shows, we believe in the importance of connection with your pieces.

The following question I can answer: What’s the longest standing piece of jewellery I have? It is one half of the silver plated friendship heart I share with my childhood best friend. I have had it for well over thirty years. It holds no monetary value, nor, many would say, any fashionable value (not even in the retro sense) and while it reminds me of a very special relationship I had at the time, one that I have fond memories of, there’s not a huge amount of sentimentality attached to it. Yet I cannot throw it out. I suppose it stands for something. Perhaps a reminder that even at a young age people can give gifts that are a celebration of love.

Our philosophy at Banwells is that each person connects with a piece of jewellery in their own personal way. The moment that connection is made, a story begins. We take great pride in being part of the genesis of your stories. Our website is a growing representation of the collection we have and is a beautiful starting point to discover that exceptional piece fitting of any celebration.




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